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I had the opportunity to attend MommyCon, this amazing event this past weekend. There were a lot of fantastic vendors as well as awesome panels. I had the chance to sit in on a

few and my favorites were Cloth Diapering 101 presented by Cotton Babies: CEO and Founder Jenn Labit shared the Cotton Babies story and an introduction to cloth diapering products, wash routines, and accessories that will make your life easier as a parent. The other one was Fall in Love With YOU with Angel Laketa Moore, That Chick Angel: This session was all about building our self-esteem as parents so we can help our children do the same. Value your unique identity, appreciate your self worth, and ultimately fall in love with you.

The event all in all was amazing the resources where numerous, and if you are into

natural parenting then this is the event for you. We met a handful of new vendors and

reacquainted with our favorites. Here are some of our favorites; Lifeway Kefir and had

some tasty samples for both parents and children our favorites where ProBugs Organic

Whole Milk Kefir a delicious yogurt-like smoothie. High in protein and calcium, it

contains 10 live and active probiotic cultures for healthy bellies and strong immune

systems. BioKefir With more than 20 billion units of probiotic activity in each bottle, it

provides 12 live and active probiotic cultures for a supercharged burst of nutrition.

if you are breastfeeding or are planning to Evenflo has amazing products, my favorites were

The Evenflo Double Electric Breast Pump Evenflo's premier frequent-use pump. It is ideal for

home, on-the-go or when going back to work. This Evenflo Double Electric Breast Pump

delivers premium features and benefits like 32 settings, three assorted flange sizes and a

hygienic, closed-pumping system, and Evenflo Advanced Milk Storage Bag Adapters allow you

to pump directly into any brand of milk storage bags! They are easy to use and provide a

secure, tight grip to your milk storage bags. Avoid losing milk when transferring from collection bottle to storage bag. Plus, save time by simplifying the pumping process with Evenflo Advanced Milk Storage Bag Adapters.

We ran into our friends from Britax showing the new line of products my personal favorite was the newest addition to the stroller systems. Britax’s 2017 B-Ready is the ultimate versatile

stroller for families with ever-changing needs. This model features a modern look and large

basket. Adaptable to virtually any possible parenting scenario, the stroller offers a quick- fold design with one or two seats attached and 12 versatile seating options. The Click & Go

System provides easy connection to any Britax infant car seat for the perfect travel system.

Head over to their site to find out more

We were introduced to the little balance box mom and physical therapist invented. The

Little Balance Box is unique because it allows children to use their hands and/or forearms in

a variety of positions and from any direction to maximize stability and develop balance. The

floating feet provided feedback during transitions from kneeling to standing and also

allow the Little Balance Box to seamlessly move with your child across various surfaces

such as carpet, tile, and wood. The Little Balance Box can an also be used as a toddler

table. The top surface is easy to clean and the raised frame helps keep little items in place.

On the show floor we also found more of our favorite brands, JuJuBe a line of fun handbags and diaper bags, Baby Ganics which carries a full line of eco friendly products for the entire family and for the baby wearing mommas there were a variety of carriers to chose from like Ergo and Beachfront Baby that can be used in the water and are amazing. We also discovered the Portapack side carrier from Arms Reach perfect for those hot days made from nice breathable mesh like fabric that will keep you and baby cool and comfortable. Re-Play was there with their bright and colorful amazing feeding products made from recycled milk jugs. We headed over to MommyCon shoppe where we found EZPZ mats, Tekhni sling wraps, and the amazing products for women from Vagina Village that include the famous Diva Cup, Luna Pads, and the Lena Menstrual Cup.

The event ended with an amazing Car Seat Safety Panel with Mat York where he talked about his favorite car seats for the different age ranges, weather, and what worked best for his family. MommyCon will be returning to Costa Mesa in 2017. They've also announced they're expanding to New York, the concrete jungle will be meeting mother earth!

Looking forward to seeing you in 2017.

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