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“Grinchmas” Who-lebration Kicks off the Holiday Season at Universal Studios!

“Grinchmas” Who-lebration signals the start of the most exciting Holiday season at Universal Studios Hollywood. Glistening Snowfalls enhances Hogwarts and Welcomes The Return of “Christmas in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.”

If you follow my blog or any of my social pages you know we LOVE Grinchmas, it’s our family holiday tradition to visit Universal Studios Hollywood with the entire fam bam. Universal Studios Hollywood is one of the of the greatest Christmas events EVER, it’s Who-Tacular! Now that the kids are out school for the holidays swing by Uni for the day and get in the Grinchmas spirit, your heart will grow three sizes.

Your game plan for the day, get there bright and early when it opens at 9 am and make your way straight to Grinchmas. Take your photo with The Grinch himself, then make your way to Grinches faithful dog Max who’s the cutest as can be and super well behaved. Make friends with your favorite Who-Ville characters and swing by the Who-Ville Post Office to send Grinch a postcard. Now I’ll say go down to Transformers and make your way up to the Minions and Kung Fu Panda. Make sure you eat lunch at Three Broomsticks at Hogwarts and dessert at Grinchmas village for a giant size Grinchmas donut.

It’s important to catch the very first tree lighting at 5:30 pm in Grinchville, the 60- foot tall whimsical “Grinchmas” tree is glorious. Beforehand Martha May Who-vier and theWho Dolls take center stage performing energetic musical sets to usher in Christmas. The Who-liday Singers—a hip boy-band ensemble—will perform a cappella concerts featuring a mix of Christmas favorites and pop rock. The reason I like the 5:30 lighting, you're able to head to Hogwarts immediately for its spectacular light show.

Hogwarts castle transforms into a dazzling light projection display and the quaint town of Hogsmeade village shines brightly with décor uniquely themed to each of the individual storefronts. Get ready to be blown away, make sure your phone is charged so you can take a million pics.

Words of advice, take your kiddos stroller, it doesn’t matter if they’re 5 or even 6 years old, when they’re tired and or have fallen asleep it’s hard to carry them. Their stroller will allow them comfort and there own space to sit and relax or sleep. Better yet it’s a great place for them to be, you know they're safe and not running ahead of you in the park. You can also place all the jackets in the strollers undercarriage, you’ll need your jackets in the evening. Take ziploc bags, when your not finished with your food and or desserts you can place it in your ziploc and save it for later, especially when you're standing in line and you need a snack.

Make sure you join in on the Who-tacular festivities with The Grinch, Max and all of Who-ville during Grinchmas going on now thru the 30th. It’s a Who-lebration that you don’t want to miss.

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